Warm Christian Greetings,
I want to welcome you to the Irish Pen Seventh-day Adventist Church website. I hope you find it to be a source of relevant information, meaningful news, and helpful resources.

My name is Pastor Dwayne Scott and I am very excited to be part of this wonderful church family. Our members are friendly and you would be warmly welcomed here.

May I share a few things about my church with you?
1. We present Jesus every irresistibly!
2. We create meaningful relationships through our friendly atmosphere.
3. We execute Jesus’ Mission, found in Matthew 28:18-20.
4. Our Sermons and bible studies are both biblical and relevant to our daily lives.
5. We use our time and talents for the glory of God.

Now, If this sounds like a church you would like to be a part of, then visit us Saturday mornings at 9:15am. After our song service we start with Sabbath School at 9:30am where we offer Bible studies for all ages and levels. Our Divine worship service begins later at 11:00am We also enter another Series of Bible studies at 3:30pm called bible class.

Finally our youth take over with our Adventist Youth program where various activities are executed to empower and equip our youths and church for wider service, this program starts at 4:30pm and goes until sunset. We thank you for visiting our website and I hope to see you soon in person!